This week we are celebrating Healthy Eating Week in school with the reintroduction of the Food Dudes Programme.

Each day this week, every child in the school receives a portion of fruit and vegetables which they are encouraged to eat. To date they have received peppers, mandarins, cucumber, blueberries and bananas. They have also watched the Food Dudes DVD. There are also a great variety of follow up activities on

Food Dudes is an award-winning, curriculum-linked, evidence-based, healthy eating programme developed to encourage children to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. It is based on repeated tastings of fresh fruit and vegetables, rewards and positive role models.

Remember: for healthy eating , try and have as any colours of the rainbow on your plate as possible!

Eating well means learning about how to plan our meals correctly. Our plate of food should be as follows: half the plate for fruits and vegetables and the other half will be split as one quarter for proteins (chicken, fish, beans and other sources) and one quarter for carbohydrates (pasta, rice, potatoes).